Damian Small

HRL - Development Blog 6

The last few weeks have just been testing, testing, and more testing.

I found the script is working fairly well, however I have found a bug where no matter what seat the player is in, the isDriver check always returns true, therefore the laps are being recorded no matter if the player is the driver, gunner, passenger, or not in a vehicle. This check should only be true is not in a vehicle, or if in the driver seat. My current thought is that this is simply an incorrect Memory Address, and if this is the case, it should only take a small amount of time to resolve.
Additionally, some servers seem to have instant respawns (BFMRacing.net Race #1). In this case the isPlayerDead check fails as the tick after the player dies, they are already respawned. There is not much that can be done about this without modifications to Chimera, so it will have to be an edge case.

With regards to the backend, I have switched from using Crontab to handle the queue to supervisor, which allows the laptimes to be logged almost instantly, rather than every minute. Along with this, I have researched websockets in order to allow live updating of the leaderboard. As a test, I am using Laravel's Reverb to broadcast events triggered when a lap time is logged, and using Laravel's Echo to receive these broadcasts and show a toast using the Toastr.js library. This is all working correctly, and now just need to see if it is possible to hook this up to LiveWire, and reload the data when this event is received.

I still have a bit of work to do to get the Chimera script working fully, and the webapp rebuild, however I am making fairly good progress.